A heart filled with Thanksgiving is a powerful instrument! A thankful heart has the ability to draw powerful people into your life to help you finish your assignment in life! As we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, there are a lot of memories that flood back into my life that causes me to be so filled with thanksgiving! The holidays seem to be a time when we are reminded of just how valuable our family and friends really are to our lives! Psalm 100 makes it clear we can only come into God’s presence if we offer God a praise and enter with a thankful heart! In His presence, you grow and become more like your creator God! Your heart of thankfulness really is a force to cause you increase and multiplication! Great energy is created by your attitude of being thankful! Your spirit will arise and conquer every enemy as you maintain a thankful heart!

Stop today and remember the good things that God and others have done for you! It will cause a spirit of thanksgiving to arise inside of you! Take time to write your friends a note of love and appreciation today! Focus on showing your family how much you are indebted to them for all they have done for you! You must know that thankfulness is a BIG key to attracting the flow of FAVOR into your life! Allow your heart of thanksgiving to be a great asset in your life! Your heart of thanksgiving is causing you to advance when others are struggling! Never take for granted the people God has put in your life! Celebrate your God-given relationships! Your heart of thankfulness will cause doors to open for you and you will become unforgettable!