There is a master plan for you to live happy, successful, and influential in this new decade! Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” There are divine principles in these words from our Master Teacher–Jesus! The decisions that you are making everyday are affecting your life more than you are aware! You must stop the blame game and make a decision that the “buck” stops with you! Accept the responsibility for your own success! Then you need to read the Book of Proverbs over and over, gaining the wisdom of God! Seek to make every decision with His knowledge and wisdom, refusing to procrastinate. Become a person of relentless action. Break through every fear and the criticism of other people by making firm decisions! There is power in a decided heart that assures you a destiny of success! Choose to be a person of joy and happiness, regardless of your surrounding circumstances! Get up each day committed to forgive others and to live a life of compassion! Make a decision never to harbor anger, unforgiveness, or resentment! Forgiveness puts wings on your dreams and produces great freedom for you to enjoy! Lastly, make a decision to be positive and persistent! Never listen to the negative voices who say you cannot do it! Lasting success is available and attainable by all of us! You create the future you desire with wise decisions!