King Solomon gives us great insight and secrets to living wealthy and successfully in life! We must come to the knowledge of Kingdom Principles and Laws that cause us to be successful! I want us to look at a couple in this blog that will make a BIG difference! Proverbs 22:29 is a powerful law that will change your lifestyle when you obey it! “Do you see a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings.” All successful people have this law working in their life! Diligence is creative PERSISTENCE–NEVER QUITTING or GIVING UP! A person of diligence applies a smart-working effort rightly planned and rightly executed in a very timely, efficient, and effective manner that leads to excellence! People of diligence are very focused! They face every setback with intensity and enthusiasm! The second principle or law from Solomon is Proverbs 29:18″Where there is NO VISION, people PERISH.” Vision and dreams are the activities that create great movement toward success! There is incredible power in a BIG vision and dream! The energy that begins to flow will push you past all the roadblocks and ignite a hot passion inside you! A vision is a clearly designed goal with very detailed plans for achieving the dreams and vision! This will cause you to solve the difficult challenges to finishing the dreams and vision! It is amazing the creative power that will be released in you! Be patient with passion and see the success! Success happens when preparation meets opportunity! Go for the BIG DREAM and VISION!! You can go beyond the veil of human limitations by the help of God! Be mentally tough and never give up!! Practice these laws to living successfully!