You are standing on the brink of limitless opportunities! You cannot be all God has planned for you unless you are willing to take a risk of faith! I love to be in relationship with people who move by faith and refuse to live out of logic! It is time for us to get out of our comfort zones! The enemy of your purpose will try to keep you bound by fear, and fear will paralyze you and your dreams! It is time to move beyond the fear of people’s opinions and fears of rejection! There are very limited rewards for those who play it safe! When you study the hero’s of the Bible they were people who had faith that always embraced a risk! Creativity flows freely to those who are risk takers! Risk takers make tough decisions and refuse to give up until the assignment is finished! Favor and promotion follow those who dare to take a risk of faith! It is time to stop the procrastination and pursue the dream with a commitment to reach for the impossible! You will never regret your steps of faith! Enjoy the journey of a risk taker, who lives out their faith! All people want to excel but few are willing to take a faith risk and pay the price! Good things are coming into the life of every faith-risk taker! It is your time to move forward and possess the new territory! Get excited about your future! Enthusiasm is the fuel that moves past every challenge and propels you into your God Destiny! God is ready to ELEVATE YOU!!
Hi Coy: What a great article on “Risk of Faith” I have several minsitry and business decisions that will take a “Risk of Faith”, I was actually sitting in my office at this very moment 5/4/2010 at 2:14 p.m. and asked the Lord for comfirmation of direction, knowing the “Risk of Faith” read your article, wow, what a Rhema word!! I am moving forward because I am a man takes a “Risk of Faith”. Ha ha told you and your wife I read your facebook posting!!
Your Friend
Hi Brother Barker, it was a very nice blog and although the enemy of our souls works day and night to block the progress of forward momentum I do believe these roadblocks keep us humble and dependant on Jesus and in due time when it is the right season our Lion of Judah will roar out of Zion and lay waste every obstacle in our path. I have found that to be true in my life. There are just some seasons that nothing is working right so I just have to stay put in the Crysallis stage of the pupae before I emerge a butterfly – nothing is wasted with Jesus even our temporary obstacles – what I am trying to say is that all hell cannot stop the destiny that Jesus has for each and every one of us he ordained before the foundation of the world and that is thrilling it is an appointed set time and it is coming!! Thank you for sharing!
What a challenge from Dr.Coy the Apostle!And at such a time as this!
For sure Sir,I have been challenged by owners of space adjacent to our new church for extention but..I proacrastinated.God has impressed upon my heart to move foward and lease two extra rooms
for children,one for boys and the other for girls.Fear was the weapon
which worked against me.One thing I know my Apostle is that I heard God.And I’m excited about preaching and yet I have not yet exploded to
my maximum potential.I had to wrestle with my wife to dispose of a small piece of land for us to relocate to our present location.Im
sretching myself to occupy by faith on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ.I know you’ve been sent of God with the Rhema word of the hour for me.Im feeling fired up to take the risk and pay the price.
I should possess the good things which will propel me to my destiny. Thank you for sharing such treasures in my life and ministry. Blessings and my sincere regards to Dee.
What a challenge from Dr.Coy the Apostle!And at such a time as this!
For sure Sir,I have been challenged by owners of space adjacent to our new church for extention but..I proacrastinated.God has impressed upon my heart to move foward and lease two extra rooms
for children,one for boys and the other for girls.Fear was the weapon
which worked against me.One thing I know my Apostle is that I heard God.And I’m excited about preaching and yet I have not yet exploded to
my maximum potential.I had to wrestle with my wife to dispose of a small piece of land for us to relocate to our present location.Im
sretching myself to occupy by faith on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ.I know you’ve been sent of God with the Rhema word of the hour for me.Im feeling fired up to take the risk and pay the price.
I should possess the good things which will propel me to my destiny. Thank you for sharing such treasures in my life and ministry. Blessings and my sincere regards to Dee.
What a challenge from Dr.Coy the Apostle!And at such a time as this!
For sure Sir,I have been challenged by owners of space adjacent to our new church for extention but..I proacrastinated.God has impressed upon my heart to move foward and lease two extra rooms
for children,one for boys and the other for girls.Fear was the weapon
which worked against me.One thing I know my Apostle is that I heard God.And I’m excited about preaching and yet I have not yet exploded to
my maximum potential.I had to wrestle with my wife to dispose of a small piece of land for us to relocate to our present location.Im
sretching myself to occupy by faith on behalf of our Lord Jesus Christ.I know you’ve been sent of God with the Rhema word of the hour for me.Im feeling fired up to take the risk and pay the price.
I should possess the good things which will propel me to my destiny. Thank you for sharing such treasures in my life and ministry. Blessings and my sincere regards to Dee.