Drs. Coy and Dee Barker have been, and are being used as Spiritual Parents to bring healing and true identity to sons and daughters. You can discover the hidden blessings from connecting to them as your Spiritual Parents.
They are raising up Spiritual Children that have been having a significant impact in their world. The Barkers’ heart is to leave a legacy for those who connect to their lives as parents in the Kingdom.
Tithes and offerings to this ministry are tax-deductible contributions. These gifts are used for development of Legacy Builders. We encourage all ministers that are ordained and in covenant relationship to give their tithes and offerings to this ministry.
All churches and ministers should be generous in your giving to Legacy Builders. Ministers who are ordained with a denomination that require your tithes and offerings are not required to tithe to Legacy Builders, but should give offerings monthly. Ministers who are just getting started and are still serving and connected to a local church should give their tithes to that local church, but support, on a monthly basis, Legacy Builders with a seed offering.