The enemy of our lives has told us a lie so often that our words are powerless and ineffectual until many Christians have believed the LIE! This is the GRAND DECEPTION!! Jesus said in John 6:63 that our words are spirit and life when we say what the word of God says! As a Christian, your words are very powerful! Hebrews 11:3 declare worlds were framed by the spoken word of God in faith! The same is true with you as a Christian … when you speak words of faith, SUPERNATURAL THINGS begin to happen! Your words carry creative power when you speak them in faith! Your words are not empty speech as your enemy wants you to believe! God created this spiritual law for us to live victorious lives everyday! Job 22:28 says if we decree it God will establish it! Hebrews 1:3 declares that the universe is held together by the word of His POWER! Never doubt your words spoken in faith have great POWER! In Matthew 12:37, Jesus drives this TRUTH home to our hearts when He said by our words we are JUSTIFIED!! Our words carry supernatural power to create the world Jesus bought by His blood called abundant life, and it is for us to enjoy everyday! Speak the promises of God daily! Here are a few that have brought miracles into my life that I challenge you to decree —Jeremiah 29:11; Deuteronomy 8:18; Ephesians 2:10 (AMP); Psalms 35:27,28; Psalms 66:12; John 10:10!! God will change your world if you bring your thoughts and words into agreement with His word!! MASTER your THOUGHTS and your MOUTH!! Be Blessed!!