You can conquer the life of average and enter into the life you have dreamed about all your life! As a Christian you have the creative power of your creator inside you! It is important that you check out your mindset because you may need to enlarge your mindset! See yourself enjoying the GOOD LIFE! You need CLARITY of where you want to go in life! I am living proof that you can come from a place of poverty and move to a place of “MORE THAN ENOUGH”! Your Decisions are creating your tomorrows! Make sure that you are making wise decisions today! There is something inside you called a dream from God that is stronger than every opposition on the outside! Your dream must become an obsession if you are going to enjoy great success! You must be like Abraham of old and become fully persuaded that the dream can become a reality for you! Your persuasion will cause you to conquer every giant that tries to stand in the path of your progress! There must be intensity that possesses your life that pushes you to the finish line! When you study great people who have turned their dream into reality, you will always see this fire in their insides that pushed them to attempt the impossible! You will have to redefine your goals and dreams on a consistent basis! Surround yourself with champions! Allow the pain of yesterday to start working for you and not against you! Pain was meant to be a passing thing not your permanent address! See the pain of today as a great teacher for your tomorrows of great success! Stay focused on your future! Life must look better ahead of you rather than behind you! When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change! Allow God to help customize your life as an original and you can live a life of maximizing! Become a MAXIMIZER and step into the life you have always wanted! Create the World you desire to live in with your words of FAITH TODAY! Your Words of Faith will set in order the life of PROMISE! Your Words of Faith will cause an activation of the supernatural in your life! Take these simple steps that have been the keys of my own success and LIVE THE LIFE YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED! Be Blessed!